L&Q's Neighbourhood Investment Fund offers regular funding opportunities in three seperate strands.
Funding applications are considered every quarter and the next deadline is 19th October 2010.
Open Until:
Posted: 10/11/2010
Small Grants Fund is a funding stream designed for small events and activities that will benefit our residents.
Resident Associations, community groups or local projects can apply to this fund for up to £250.
Community Fund is a funding stream designed for community and voluntary organisations, not for profit companies, charities and social enterprises to develop and deliver projects which benefit our residents.
Applications can be made for up to £5,000 from this fund and can be for up to 50% of the total project costs.
There are four key priorities for the Community funding:
- Resident Involvement
- Young People
- Education, Training and Skills
- Neighbourhood Development
Partnering Fund is a funding stream designed for our strategic and local partners.
Grants can be given from this fund for community events and projects which benefit our residents or support the growth of the organisation.
Applications for the partnering funding can be for up to 50% of the total project costs.
Partners can apply for up to £2,000 from this fund.
For more information please contact Sonia Meggie.