
Local Youth Forum Seeks Chair

To support The Syndenham and Forest Hill Youth Forum

Open Until:

Posted: 10/03/2022

If you or anyone you know wants the chance to take a small charity in your arms and fling it up to greater heights, please get in touch.
We’re in the middle of the largest survey I reckon has ever been conducted in the area – with a whopping 500+ forms back and 1,000+ youth engaged in the process. We’re identifying some amazing facts about the need in the area, the knowledge of current provision and how far young people are willing to get involved.
What to do next: email mel@sfhyouthforum.org.uk that you are interested and we’ll go from there.
Our AGM is being held on March 19th, 2pm-4pm, venue TBC (but will be in Sydenham, Forest Hill, Perry Vale area).

You’ll be elected and then supported by a small and dedicated bunch who help address the following:

Our Aims and Objectives:

  • Working together to achieve the best possible provision for youth.
  • Enabling youth to contribute to improving the local community.
  • Communicating opportunities for youth in the area.
  • Networking local agencies involved in youth provision and community action.
  • Working towards becoming a funding provider for youth activities.


registered charity no. 1078093


"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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