2013 Round Open
Open Until:
Posted: 02/08/2013
A community micro-brewery employing the elderly, yoga classes aimed at vulnerable young parents and a scheme designed to assist ex-offenders returning to work are just some of the projects that have been on the Lloyds Banking Group Social Entrepreneurs Programme…
If you have an idea for a project or organisation that can make a difference in your community, the Lloyds Banking Group Social Entrepreneurs Programme could provide you with a place on one of the School for Social Entrepreneurs innovative learning programmes as well as a grant to help you develop and grow your project.
Don’t forget, the closing date for applications is 3pm on the 2nd April 2013.
Open days:
Start Up and Scale Up:
- 27th Feb 5.30pm – 7.30pm, The Fire Station, 139 Tooley St, London SE1 2HZ
- 12th Mar 3.30pm – 5.30pm, The Young Foundation, 18 Victoria Park Square, London E2 9PF
To book your place contact Antonia Taylor at antonia.taylor@sse.org.uk or 020 7089 9120