The Guinness Bring It To Life Awards, will work with people aged 25 35 who have a brilliant urban regeneration idea that will make a difference to their local community.
Open Until:
Posted: 10/03/2022
The Guinness Bring It To Life Awards, will work with people aged 25 35 who have a brilliant urban regeneration idea that will make a difference to their local community. People will receive a Guinness Bring It To Life Award through UnLtd and will have access to funding, training and volunteer support from Rathbone and Diageo Great Britain to bring their social ventures to life. The Guinness Bring it to Life Awards honour Arthur Guinness commitment to supporting local communities.
We are looking for 19 driven individuals who are fast-moving social entrepreneurs with an initiative that will benefit people in any of the following cities: London, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester. We are particularly interested in supporting initiatives in areas of particular need.
A social entrepreneur is someone who has a social heart and a business head. They use the skills, passion and drive of a successful business entrepreneur and apply these characteristics to delivering transformational change in society. They are innovative in addressing social needs and are passionate about making a difference to society. They are people from many different walks of life, with a track record or passion to make things happen.
We want to support people who have the energy and drive to transform their communities and neighbourhoods by hosting positive activities in community spaces:
You must be:
25-35 at the time of submitting your application
Living and/or working in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham or London
The founder or lead person driving the initiative
In a position to apply as an individual or an informal group
Identify where you would personally benefit from support
Your initiative must:
Run in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham and/or London.
Be new, or an existing initiative delivered in a new way
Incorporate social and/or environmental aims
Demonstrate the difference your initiative has made to beneficiaries to date and how you would demonstrate this in the future
Bring people together
Aim to leave a lasting legacy
Have the pace to spend funding in an 8 month period
Have a role for volunteers on your project that has a demonstrable benefit
Overall you must:
Agree to be used as a case study and in PR
Demonstrate that the success of your initiative and your own development will be accelerated by an UnLtd Award
Your project must not be:
Any initiative that forms part of your paid employment
Any activity that involves political campaigning or the advancement of religion
A continuation of an existing operation
Any activity outside the law, against public policy or anything that fosters ethnic, religious or commercial disharmony
Used to gain academic qualifications
To employ others to undertake the project on your behalf
Supporting an applicant who will not be resident in the UK for the duration of the project
Two levels of Award are available for entrepreneurs. 15 Catalyst Awards, each worth up to £2,200, are available for those who need the running costs to get their idea off the ground and 6 Development Awards, worth up to £15,000 each, are available for established social entrepreneurs to get their ventures fully operational.
Expressions of interest should be received by July 9th. The application process closes on 23rd July 2010. The shortlist of applicants will be selected in August 2010 and the successful applicants will be announced by the end of September 2010.
To apply online:
Click here if you are applying as an individual or have been nominated as the lead individual of an informal group.
To request printed copies of the application forms, please email or call 020 7566 1120.
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