Got a great idea that will improve the community, environment or safety in your area? Apply for a grant of up to £5,000 from the Lewisham Homes Community Fund 2014.
Open Until:
Posted: 03/07/2014
Last year, the Community Fund helped kick-start 16 local projects, ranging from street dance lessons, a business enterprise course, improving Heston Nature Garden, sporting activities for 8-14 year olds in Deptford and a family and neighbour activity weekend for residents on the Kender Estate.
What you need to know
Your project must benefit Lewisham Homes’ residents, and meet one of the following criteria of:
- Improving the community
- Improving the local environment
- Improving safety in the area
Who can apply?
You can be a Lewisham Homes resident, a group of residents, or a community group or social enterprise, but your project MUST be for, and benefit, Lewisham Homes residents. Your project can be a one-off piece of work, or last for weeks or even a couple of months.
Key dates
3 March: Community Fund launches
14 April: Closing date for applications
More information from the Lewisham Homes Website