The London Arts in Health Forum is seeking case studies which showcase the best in the field of arts health and wellbeing for a media campaign.
Open Until:
Posted: 07/05/2012
For the past couple of years, LAHF has been working with partners across the country to develop a national voice for arts and health. This is due to launch in the autumn and a dedicated media campaign is being planned to coincide with this aiming to demonstrate leading arts and health projects and their impact on patients and the public.
LAHF are looking to create a body of case studies which can be drawn on for press opportunities on a range of different subjects, demonstrating different points.
With press attention in mind LAHF is looking for examples which stand out, offer something new in context, demonstrate high quality work or offer real personal stories and insights which demonstrate the impact of the work.
LAHF cannot guarantee to use every case study received but hopes you will be happy to contribute to this important resource.
If you would like your organisation or project to be included, please email by Monday July 23.