The Digital Research & Development Fund for Arts and Culture is looking to support arts and cultural organisations across England who wants to work with digital technologies to:
expand their audience reach and engagement and/or
explore new business models
Open Until:
Posted: 10/03/2022
Specifically, we want to invite arts and cultural organisations to submit projects that test digital propositions around audience reach/engagement and new business models that are of interest to the arts and cultural sector.
As such, the projects need to produce research/data that other arts and cultural organisations value highly and, possibly, new products/services that can be used by other organisations.
The sum total investment into programme activities for the arts and cultural sector in England will be worth £500,000 over 2011/12. The fund will consider a range of projects – small and large – however, no one project will receive more than £100,000 from the fund.
The Digital Research & Development Fund for Arts and Culture is a partnership between the Arts Council England, Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and NESTA.
For further information please click here (opens in new window)