The Lewisham Young Mayor's Team have a funding pot for schools and other organisations to apply to, to try out the kind of activities described in the Curriculum for Life.
Deadline for project applications: 5pm on Friday 18th October 2019

Open Until:
Posted: 10/03/2022
Over the past two years the Curriculum for Life
has been part of the Young Mayor Budget proposals. The aim is to develop a
Curriculum for Life for Lewisham with in the schools and wider community. This
was through consultation with young people across the borough to identify what
young people want to learn that is currently outside the mainstream curriculum.
This includes things like first aid, mental
health and wellbeing, debating and discussion about ethical, social and world
issues to help form opinions and build confidence and self-esteem. It also
includes practical issues such as knowing about rights in employment, taxation
and pensions, an extension of preparing young people for life after/outside
There is a budget of £20,000 allocated to pay
for activities and sessions which will be piloted in some schools and voluntary
organisations across the borough. The evaluation of those sessions will be shared
with other schools and organisation to help develop the curriculum.
funding pot project description
There is a small
funding pot of £20,000 for schools and other organisations to apply to
initiate/ continue /develop or expand a project addressing any of the areas and
issues identified in the Curriculum for Life. We aim to fund between 8 and 10
projects, with a maximum budget of £2000.00.
We would like the projects to be creative and led by the
pupils themselves with the support of teachers/youth workers they can be simple
ideas and ways that pupils/ young people think will effectively contribute to
the aims of the Curriculum for Life.
The projects can link into existing initiatives in a schools
and projects or be new. Students pupils / young people should be central to the
management and delivery of the project, and where possible it should aim to be sustainable
and transferable. Where necessary experts and additional support can be brought
in to deliver the project.
The projects could be for year 7s upwards or a group within
the community.
The Young Mayor and Young Advisors will be assessing the
applications, and may want to meet with students/teachers or ask further
questions for clarification.
A full description of criteria and application form is attached, please get in touch with Katy or Malcom with any questions. Read more about the Curriculum for Life here.
0208 3146354 /07957198308
0208 314 6313 /07957198312