Creative Land Trust is administering a £1.5m grant fund – The Creative Workspace Resilience Fund - to help avoid the permanent closure of creative workspaces.Deadline for applications: 20 May 2020

Open Until:
Posted: 05/05/2020
The Creative Workspace Resilience Fund has been launched with the intention of helping studio providers and creative workspace providers to support artists and makers to be able to afford space to work and to retain studio buildings.The total amount available is up to £1.5m. It is estimated that the average grant per organisation will be in the range of £5,000 to £15,000 and that grants over £20,000 will be exceptional. Grants must be used within 6 months of being offered or otherwise should be repaid.There are no formal match funding requirements for this Fund but we will expect to see clear evidence that you are actively seeking to reduce costs, secure support from other appropriate sources and that the benefit of your organisation receiving the funds is passed onto your creative tenants in the form of reduced occupancy costs.The deadline for applications to the Creative Workspace Resilience Fund is Wednesday 20th of May. We do not anticipate issuing a further call for applications, but this may be reviewed if the impact of Covid-19 is longer than anticipated and subject to initial demands on the Fund.What is this Fund for?The purpose of this fund is to support activity that will help studio and creative workspace providers reduce occupancy costs for artists, makers and other creative tenants. This might include:Helping to maintain and run studios and buildings – so that occupancy costs can be reduced e.g. through assistance with rent, utilities, insurance and maintenance costs etc.Providing hardship grants to creative tenants to help them afford space to work during and after the crisisHelping to secure reductions in running costs eg negotiating a rental discount with landlord or a break in mortgage paymentsWho is eligible to apply?Applicants must be(i) a constituted organisation operating in London that provides space for artists, makers and other creatives space to workAND can demonstrate:(ii) a track record of space provision for the creative sector prior to 20 March 2020;(iii) a commitment to affordabilityAND(iii) Be in immediate financial need Find out more and apply online