An exciting opportunity for young composers and choreographers aged 15 - 19 years

Open Until:
Posted: 10/03/2022
The Creative Collective is an opportunity for up to 14
young artists (aged 15 19), looking to develop their own artistic work as
composers and choreographers.
Over the course of 5 months, the Creative
Collective will be mentored by a professional composer Mark Bowden and
choreographer Bethan Peters, to create new, innovative and challenging
pop-up performances. These performances will feature across Lewisham as part of
the annual Lewisham Live Festival, and at the Tate Modern as part of the
Tate Exchange programme.
The Creative Collective will be made up of
young people who:
· Are passionate about
music and/or dance
· Are interested in
working with other art forms
· Are open to working
collaboratively with other people and art forms
· Are inspired to
develop their own artistic work as a composer or choreographer
To be part of the Creative Collective you must
meet the following criteria:
· Aged between 14-19
years old
· Live, work or learn in
· Be able to attend up to 10 sessions across November March, as well the final
performance on 20 March 2018
· Have at least 4 years
experience of attending dance and/or music classes/courses
· Experience of creating
own choreography/compositions (this experience can be from school, out of
school activity or home life)
· Have a demonstrable
passion for choreography and/or composition
There is a small fee to take part in this
project of £50 per person. However we do offer subsidised rates for those who
may have difficulty providing payment.