
Cooperative Bank Customer Donation Fund (UK)

Every Community Directplus customer is entitled to make an application for funding for up to £1,000

Open Until:

Posted: 10/03/2022

Organisations that bank with the Co-operative
Bank using their Community Directplus Bank Account, have the opportunity to
apply for funding through the Bank’s Customer Donation Fund. The Customer
Donation Fund grows directly in relation to customers’ deposits. For every £100
increase in collective balance held in Community Directplus accounts, the
Co-operative Bank will add 20p to the fund. Then, twice a year, in April and
October, the Bank will judge customers’ applications for project funding and
distribute a minimum of £5,000 amongst those customers that are successful.
Every Community Directplus customer is entitled to make an application for
funding for up to £1,000. Previously successful projects include
Whiston Parish Council, which received a grant of £1,000 to purchase specialist
equipment to make the village recreation ground more accessible to children
with disabilities.
Bradford’s Buttershaw Millennium Green Trust, which is a not-for-profit
organisation made up of people from the local community received a grant of
£500 to launch a new community website, with the aim of promoting local events
and encouraging a deeper sense of community.
The next closing date for applications is the 31st March 2015. Read more at: http://www.co-operativebank.co.uk/business/community/community-directplus#customerdonationfund-2

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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