
Consultant for Lewisham’s London Borough of Culture Bid – deadline 9 June

A role for approximately 5 months

Open Until:

Posted: 10/03/2022

Consultants Brief – London Borough of
Culture Bid

Council wishes to appoint a consultant to support the development of its bid to
become London Borough of Culture. The process of developing the bid will also
feed into a Cultural Strategy for the borough.

already offers a rich and varied programme of cultural opportunities, which
make a crucial contribution to improving the lives of local residents and
address a range of the borough’s priorities. 
The consultant’s role will involve working with stakeholders including
the many arts and cultural organisations, voluntary and community groups and
statutory bodies to build on this heritage and:

  • Help shape and write a successful bid and cultural strategy
  • Develop an effective engagement strategy that facilitates the widest
    possible participation in the process
  • Support a borough-wide callout for ideas and organise and attend
    workshops where ideas are developed and explored

The deadline for submissions is 9am on 9 June 2017

For more information please see attached document.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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