
Call Out: Artist in Residence for a Day – I Am Lewisham

Are you a local artist? Do you want your work to be part of the launch of Lewisham's Borough of Culture year?

Open Until:

Posted: 10/06/2021

How to Apply

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Full Brief

We are offering a fee of £300 for 18 local artists to be in residence for a day on Friday 28 January 2022.

On the first day of Lewisham’s year as the Mayor of London’s Borough of Culture 2022 we want to get as many people involved as possible. Throughout the day, residents will encounter culture across the borough integrated into their everyday lives.

We want a creative encounter to happen in each of Lewisham’s 18 wards, specifically taking place where people usually spend the day rather than in specific arts or cultural venues. We want to showcase the diversity of creative skill within the borough to ignite the start of our London Borough of Culture year.

‘Artists in Residence for a Day’ will be a day of creativity, welcoming Lewisham’s London Borough of Culture programme. Throughout the day, 18 Artists will lead/present workshops, performances or presentations simultaneously. These will take place in typical daytime spaces; e.g. shops and supermarkets, businesses, community centres, libraries, care homes and doctors’ surgeries. We will aim to match artists to the host venues ensuring we have a diverse mix of art forms and types of activity.

Click here to apply

Deadline for expressions of interest is Thursday 28 October 2021

When completing your application please describe your work: eg what is your lead artform? Is it performance and/or workshop based?

Give us an idea of how you would structure your day. If your work is interactive, describe the experience the participants will have. Does your session culminate in some way and do you have particular requirements?

Let us know if you require any, technical support, amplification or materials to deliver the day that cannot be included within the fee and if you have any particular access needs.

Good luck!
Call Out: Artist in Residence for a Day (iamlewisham.uk)

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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