
Call for Submissions from Emerging Artists for Meet Me At …

The Albany and Entelechy Arts are looking for an emerging artist or company to creatively document the projects they run with local residents.

Open Until:

Posted: 06/12/2018

Meet Me At… is an award winning programme of activities for isolated older people in the borough of Lewisham, produced by Entelechy Arts and the Albany. Since 2013 they have run a range of creative projects for older people in the borough of Lewisham: from day-trips and dance-classes to singing, sculpting, circus and photography.

Meet Me At… and social housing provider Lewisham Homes have worked in partnership over the last three years, delivering creative sessions in communal areas of Living schemes for over 60s.

The Albany are looking for an emerging artist or company to document the projects they create with residents. The projects will take place between Autumn 2018 and March 2019.

For more information and details on how to apply, download the information pack here.

Deadline: Monday 9 July. Interviews will take place on Wednesday 18 July.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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