Proposals are invited for engage 38, which will focus on the theme of visual arts and wellbeing. Deadline for proposals: 10am, Monday 15 August 2016.
Open Until:
Posted: 08/10/2016
You can also click here to download a PDF containing full details of the Call for Proposals
We are interested in contributions from colleagues in the UK and worldwide, reflecting on practices, shifting understandings, discussing polices and the challenges faced in different contexts, in relation to questions such as:
1. What are the current social, economic and policy contexts for arts in health and wellbeing in the UK and internationally
2. How have they changed over recent years and since the publication of engage Journal issue 30, Summer 2012?
3. In an expanding understanding of wellbeing, what aspects can visual arts organisations, galleries and museums most effectively target?
4. How has the work of visual arts organisations, galleries and museums responded to health and wellbeing agendas in recent years?
5. In what ways do the visual arts, gallery and museum sector contribute to health and wellbeing?
6. What do visual artists bring to projects in health and social settings?
7. In what ways can engagement with works of art, exhibitions and collections affect wellbeing?
8. What frameworks are useful when planning and evaluating arts in health and wellbeing initiatives and projects?
9. How can effective work be evidenced?
10. What partnerships have been developed for visual arts, gallery and museum work with the health and social sectors?
11. What CPD do those working in the arts and in health and social care need to further effective work?
12. Are there examples of sustained training schemes that are impacting on practice in the arts, health and social care?
13. What initiatives in the visual arts, galleries and museums have achieved health or social funding?
14. How can arts in health and wellbeing work be sustainable
15. How can work in individual visual arts organisations, galleries and museums be scaled up to meet the needs of the health and social sectors?
16. What strategies are in place in the UK and in other countries to advocate for arts in health and wellbeing?
17. What steps need to be taken by the arts sector in the UK and other countries to achieve mainstream health and social funding for arts provision?
If you are interested in contributing to this issue, please send an informal proposal of no more than 300 words, your job/freelance title and contact details to by 10am on Monday 15 August 2016.
Contributions may take the format of articles, interviews, collaborative pieces, conversations, photo essays or discussions, and engage welcomes those which take advantage of the Journals online format, through the use of sound or video clips, film and html links to digital content. As a guide, final articles lie between 1,500 and 4,000 words.
Issue timeline:
– Proposals deadline: 10am, Monday 15 August 2016
– Finished article deadline: 10am, Friday 21 October 2016
– engage 39: Visual Art and Wellbeing will be published in February 2017.