
Boundless Accelerator 2021 – Call Out for proposals

Boundless Theatre is committed to discovering the best ideas from artists who might not be known to us and developing the extraordinary artists of the future, now. They are looking for bold, imaginative work for 15–25 year olds that aims to start a conversation with the world from diverse perspectives.

Deadline: 16th May 2021

Open Until:

Posted: 05/07/2021

A cash bursary of £2500 and a package of bespoke support from Boundless
will initiate new work that responds to the 2021 theme and embeds
co-creation with 15-25 year olds.

The global pandemic has disrupted much in person climate activism
that had gained momentum with young people in recent years and digital
carbon creates complexities around online activism.  Boundless
Accelerator 2021 aims to create a positive creative space for  theatre
makers to create, start conversations and blend activism with their work
for 15-25 year olds.

They are interested in supporting new work for individuals and
communities already experiencing the consequences of climate change.
This might include ‘climate migrants’ who may have had to leave their
homes due to changes in their natural environment, extreme weather and
water scarcity, or those in the UK not currently platformed as part of
the climate movement including artists and young adults who don’t feel
they’re being heard or that their work or ideas are taken seriously.

Climate change is all
of our responsibility but here we’re looking for early career artists,
aged 15-25 proposing work that speaks directly to their peers and

In line with their values we actively invite applications from those
who are underrepresented in climate change discussions to respond to
this brief. This includes taking an inclusive approach to the
development of your idea with 15-25 year olds. They expect to engage with
artists and creatives of different genders, ethnicities, sexualities,
abilities and ages. They also expect to support at least two ideas that
directly explore, interrogate, educate and respond to the connection
between the environment and diversity, including racial justice and
socio-economic background.

They are expecting you to demonstrate commitment to low carbon
solutions and environmentally friendly practice in project planning and
delivery, as well as in your final work.  This isn’t just about telling
the stories of climate frontlines.

For more information, visit the website.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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