
Black History Month: Request for Applications

Southwark Council’s grants programme for events to celebrate Black History Month this October is now open for applications 

Open Until:

Posted: 06/05/2017

Every year throughout October people, schools, libraries, groups
and organisations host events and get involved with the celebration of Black
History in order to  

  • Celebrate the talent, achievements and contributions of
    Southwark’s new and established black and ethnic minority communities
  • Provide opportunities for informal learning
  • Inspire, motivate and encourage the participation of
    Southwark’s diverse communities
  • Promote social cohesion by sharing histories and

A limited number of Small (up to £500) and Large (up to £2,000)
grants are available to help achieve this

Each year has a different theme through which the programming is
guided. This year it is:  

‘Black history Month – Celebrating the past and  embracing
the future’

Who can apply?  Grants are available to legally
constituted groups and organisations wanting to run events, activities and
workshops taking place in Southwark from 1 to 31 October 2017 that are open to
all residents

How to apply Grant application documents and
guidance are available via the Black History Month page below:


The closing date for applications is Monday 26 June 9am. We
will not assess proposals received after this closing date

Further information

Please read the grant application documents and guidance first.
If you still have any questions about applying for funding contact

Email:  blackhistorymonth@southwark.gov.uk
  Tel: 020 7525 4069

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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