
BFI Announces Changes to the Film Festival Fund for 2015

The Film Festival Fund will no longer have deadlines and applications will now be accepted on an ongoing basis for the final two years of the programme.

Open Until:

Posted: 03/06/2015

Strand One – supports film festivals of local/regional significance or those that address a specialist theme. The funding is for audience development activity within film festivals that offer a strong cultural programme and which serve local/regional audiences or which may have a particular specialist theme enabling them to reach audiences from further across the UK. Such festivals are usually focused on audiences and do not generally attract industry delegation. New festivals can be supported under this strand as long as they demonstrate a clear cultural vision which meets a gap in provision and are based on audience analysis and need and demonstrate financial viability. This funding is available to cover the next edition of a festival only.

The average award is expected to be between £5,000 and £15,000 with an upper limit of £50,000.

Strand Two – supports film festivals of UK wide or international significance. The funding is available to support audience development activity at UK festivals that have an international or UK-wide reach and profile, enhancing opportunities for the UK film industry and internationally, as well as further increasing audience choice. New festivals will not be supported under this strand. Funding for single or multiple editions of a festival can be supported as part of this strand.

The awards are expected to be for at least £50,000.

More information and how to apply.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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