We're currently looking for two visual artist educators to deliver part of an ambitious and exciting programme of work across a consortium of six schools on the Isle of Dogs, London between January and July 2015.
Open Until:
Posted: 10/03/2022
We are working with one infant school, four primary schools and one secondary school to deliver a programme focused on creating large-scale, collaborative pieces of artwork for the school environment. It includes professional development for teaching staff, projects working directly with children and young people to create artwork, and events and exhibitions to showcase the work.
Artist #1 will deliver parallel projects across three schools where they will create a piece of artwork for the outdoor environment with and for children from the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Artist #2 will also work with three schools where they will create a high quality, permanent piece of artwork with children and young people from Key Stage 2 and 3.
Inclusive project fee of £6,180 + materials budget (approx £1,500)
Key dates:
- Application deadline: 12 noon, Wednesday 10th December 2014
- Interviews will take place with Bow Arts Education staff and one head teacher representative: w/c 15th December 2014 [provisional dates Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th December 2014]
- Next co-ordinators planning meeting: 1.30 3.30pm, Thursday 29th January 2015
For more information and details of how to apply, please download the full briefs below:
Bow Arts Isle of Dogs Consortium – Artist Brief – Early Years Foundation
Bow Arts Isle of Dogs Consortium – Artist Brief – Key Stage 2 & 3