Transport for London are funding a 2 year project of improvements to the environment of the Brockley Corridor, the B218 from Stanstead Road to Brockley Cross.

Open Until:
Posted: 10/03/2022
is being carried out to try to increase the journeys made by sustainable modes of
transport rather than motor vehicles.
The project focuses on 3 main areas:
the street environment
safety for road users
and raising awareness of Air Pollution and Health
Public Art Commission
There is funding
available for an artist to produce a permanent piece or pieces of public art to
be sited along this road. The commission
must have a link or address one of the themes below:
- environment and air pollution
- green modes of transport
Brief: Brockley Corridor Art Project
You are invited to propose a piece or
pieces of public art for the area of the Brockley
Corridor the B218 from Stanstead
Road to Brockley Cross.
would be beneficial if the artist had experience in engaging communities in
their work, but there is scope for a facilitator to assist in this engagement
(the facilitators funding is separate and would not need to be deducted from
the overall budget).
engagement will be primarily with local primary schools and should allow
something of the piece to be shaped by local children. PLEASE NOTE the piece should not be designed
wholly by children, the idea for the design must be presented in the proposal
but provide scope for influence and involvement of local children.
This piece of art could involve
greenwalling (if maintenance could be realistically kept up by a local school
or community group), or the piece can be made from other materials that would
allow its presence for a long period of time, ideally up to 10 years. There is scope to look at the site and put
forward ideas for the location of the piece within the corridor. But as the
idea is to allow for a sense of ownership by the local schools, it would also
be beneficial for its location to be visible from the road and close to one of the
following schools:
- Beecroft
Primary - Dalmain
Primary - John Stainer School
- Stillness Infant School
- St William
of York Catholic Primary School
Your proposal should also take into
consideration the following:
- The work should remain in situ for up to 10
years - Materials and method of fabrication should
be suitably robust for presentation in a public space (green walling will be considered
if maintenance is realistic and thought through.) - Method of installation and any specialist
installation requirements - Maintenance requirements bearing in mind
the work will be maintained by Lewisham Council and complex maintenance
requirements may not be approved - The impact of the work on the local
environment - The work should not be potentially
hazardous to the public. - The work should sit comfortably within the
designated site. - Artist must apply for a DBS check to work
in the school - Liaison with and permissions will be
required from Lewisham Council Planning Department - The
engagement with local primary schools and also with local community
organisations. The projects aim is to educate and provide an artistic
experience for local children and encourage ownership from the local community,
as well as provide the artwork itself.
budget and contract for this commission will be held by Lewisham Council. The funds allocated for the commission have
been secured via a grant from Transport for London.
total budget allocation is £10,000
(+VAT if applicable). This should include all costs relating to the design,
development, fabrication and installation of the work and public engagement
(excluding the cost of the facilitator to help with engagement).
1st stage
Proposals should
include the following:
- A written
outline of the project and end piece of public art, including how primary school
children would be engaged and have an influence on the piece in some way. - Supporting
drawings/images - Budget breakdown
If you are shortlisted
to go through to the second round you will be expected to provide a more
detailed proposal including:
- A written
outline of the concept and ideas to support the proposal. - A written
outline of fabrication methods and feasibility. - Supporting
drawings/images - Timeline
of design, development, fabrication and installation - A detailed
breakdown of how the budget will be allocated, including the following stages:- Artists
fees - Feasibility
and development - Fabrication
- Installation
- Contingency
- Engagement
- Artists
2014 First round bids
October 2014 Deadline for
proposals for the 1st round of bids
Oct 2014 Shortlisted
artists contacted
21 Nov 2014 2nd round proposal
w/c 1 Dec 2014 Interviews and appointment
Project engagement and
artwork installation dates to take place between March July 2015
Copyright and Ownership of the Work
The copyright in any work
created by the Artist during the commission will remain with the Artist.
Ownership of the work and
responsibility to maintain the work will be with Lewisham Council. A
decommissioning strategy will be agreed between Lewisham Council and the Artist
once appointed.
email and send your proposal no later than 20
October 2014 to:
& Community Development
London Borough of Lewisham
Floor Laurence House
Catford, SE6