Ekō is a growing movement for migrants, volunteers and activists; working collaboratively with multiple NGOs on sustainable projects to build a more inclusive community.
Our main project is ekō magazine which was founded as a social and political platform for storytelling and creativity. It is a means of exercising freedom of expression and bringing together the voices of the refugees, asylum seekers, volunteers, activists within the wider community, through which, we hope to dismantle common misconceptions and negative stereotypes. By publishing in English, Arabic and Farsi, ekō magazine centres around accessibility and information sharing to raise awareness.
Our plan for the coming academic year is to create more community forming events and to bring people in the UK and Europe together. We’re aiming to facilitate creative workshops online (such as creative writing and art sessions) which will not only create a sense of togetherness although we are apart; they will also enhance the skills of learners and give our contributors the chance to showcase their work. The sessions are aimed to educate people on new techniques, teach people how to express themselves and their feelings with written or visual art and again, challenge mental and physical distances by bringing a wide range of people together.