Information & Advice

Theory of Change

A Theory of Change helps you to map out the necessary steps you need to take to achieve a particular goal.

Posted: 12/03/2015

Category:Research Evidence and Impact

It can help you to identify the potential impact and risks of your plan and connect your day-to-day work to a bigger goal. It also captures the assumptions behind your reasoning, and where possible, provides evidence to back them up.

How to create a Theory of Change?

Nesta has a toolkit that you can work through to create a theory of change. In essence, you must first recognise the long-change you want to make and work backwards with the steps needed to achieve it.

Nesta’s Toolkit can be found here


Find out more here:

New Philanthropy Capitol 2014 report:

Examples of Theory of Change plans:

Guardian article about Theory of Change:

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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