Following the launch of the much talked about Charity Digital Skills Report, which revealed that many UK charities are still struggling to get to grips with digital, Skills Platform and Zoe Amar Communications have launched the Charity Digital Toolkit.

Posted: 08/03/2022
Category: Governance
Authors Zoe Amar and David Evans explain their thinking behind this new Digital Charity Toolkit.
is a growing area for many charities, from strategy, to fundraising, to
communications. Yet, we know from our work on The Charity Digital Report that digital skills
across the sector must be raised if the sector is to become more sustainable
and stay relevant to its audience. Our experience has shown that charities need
to be bold when tackling digital and make sure it is fundamental to how they
operate right across their organisations. Whilst this may seem daunting, done
well it will open up a realm of exciting possibilities. Building on the success
of The Charity Social Media Toolkit, we decided to take a
similar approach in giving charities a grounding in fundamentals by sharing
expert advice, inspirational case studies and tips and tricks, but we wanted to
tackle weighty topics, going in-depth where needed and asking big, challenging
questions about what it takes to make digital work. We encourage you to use
this toolkit to help your charity take the next step in its journey with
This free resource is relevant and beneficial for anyone working in the
charity sector from frontline staff through to experienced digital managers,
senior leaders and trustees. It covers the basics of digital such as mapping
your audience and developing your digital strategy; understanding the benefits
of different marketing channels and measuring success. Leadership; fundraising;
governance and risk are also particular areas of focus.