LEAN can offer help with monitoring and evaluation and there is extensive guidance available online. The following websites can help you discover new tools for evaluation.

Posted: 19/07/2010
Category: Monitoring and evaluation
Evaluation is a process that takes place before, during and after an activity. It includes looking at the
quality of the content, the delivery process and the impact of the activity or programme on the
audience(s) or participants.The following Evaluation toolkits have suggestions of ways to evaluate your creative project, which can be adapted to your needs. Arts, Health and Wellbeing Evaluation Framework developed by Public Health EnglandThis document provides effective ways to document and evaluate arts projects and programmes that seek to improve health and wellbeing. Wellbeing ScaleMeasuring individual changes in wellbeing NESTA’s Standards of Evidence framework To help structure how evidence is gathered,
interpreted and assessed Arts Council England’s Measuring the economic benefits of arts and culture This report sets out practical guidance for any arts or cultural organisation thinking about
conducting research into its economic benefits. Family Arts Evaluation and Audience Research Toolkit Top tips for basic evaluation and audience research for smaller
organisations with limited resources, followed by information for organisations that want to
produce a more in-depth evaluation. Creative People and Places- Evaluation in Participatory ArtsA selection of approaches, models and methods Arts Council England- Measuring OutcomesThe Inspiring Learning for All framework helps the arts and culture sector to capture and evidence their impact by identifying generic learning and social outcomes for individuals and communities. Arts Council England – Measuring Outcomes, Tools and TemplatesA useful library of downloadable templatesLEAN are always happy to talk through monitoring and evaluation of arts projects with our members. Get in touch with jane@leanarts.org.uk to book a one-to-one advice session.