Individuals and small organisations may have little experience of developing a business plan, feel daunted at the prospect and be unsure of what information is required or how to present it. Funding organisations will want to know who you are, what you want to do, how you want to do it, where the money/resources will be coming from and finally, when and how the money will be spent.
Posted: 08/03/2022
Category: Planning the Project
Your business plan can include:
- The history and background of your organisation
- Your current activities
- Changes and developments
- The annual view
- Budgets and cashflow forecasts
Organisations like LEAN can provide specific help and guidance (get in touch with to book a one-to-one advice session), and bodies like The Arts Council have guides that detail general points such as what the plan should contain to more specific advice on, for instance, how to use a spreadsheet to show projected cash flow.
Useful Links
Voluntary Arts – information for those starting a new creative group
The Arts Council – Business planning guidance for arts and cultural organisations
The Guardian Culture Professionals – Business plans: tips for arts, culture and the creative industries
Culture Hive- Strategy guides and toolkits