Information & Advice

Measuring well-being guide for charities, social enterprises and community groups

Funding bodies are increasingly asking for measures that capture real impact, beyond traditional outcomes and wellbeing is now widely recognised as an evidence-informed, established approach to understanding how your service, project or programme makes a difference. What Works Wellbeing has put together useful resources to help charities measure their impact. 

Posted: 08/03/2022

Category:Monitoring and evaluation

Whether you want to improve health, education or employment, measuring wellbeing can show you the wider impact you have on the people and communities you support. This a practical guide to help you put together a set of simple questions to measure the wellbeing of the people you work with – whether you write your own or use tried and tested ones. You can also find out how to analyse your results in a meaningful way.

So you can:

  • understand wellbeing better
  • show others the difference you make to people’s lives
  • find out what really matters to the people you support
  • improve what you do and have an even bigger impact.

Click here for a guide to Measuring your wellbeing impact.

You can find more resources on the What Works Wellbeing website including:


"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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