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The Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the Department for Education have responded to recomendations outlined in a report on Cultural Education in England.

Posted: 08/03/2022

Category:Education Policy and Structures

The report says:

“Learning about our culture and playing an active part in the cultural life of the school and wider communities is as vital to developing our identity and self-esteem as understanding who we are through knowing our history and the origins of our society.”

“Enjoying and participating in cultural life should be available to all children and young people: it must not be restricted to those children whose families already participate in cultural activities. All children and young people no matter what their background or family circumstances should have the opportunity to develop their creativity, their relationship with society and to contribute to the economy in ways that are beneficial to them as individuals and to society.”


Summary of the issues that the DfE and DCMS intend to address immediately:

  • New joint Ministerial Board
  • A National Plan for Cultural Education together with the sponsored bodies
  • Work with Teaching Schools and sponsored bodies to improve the quality of cultural education in schools
  • A new National Youth Dance Company
  • National Art & Design Saturday Clubs
  • Heritage Schools – providing access to local history and cultural heritage
  • Cultural education passport – so that all children and young people can have a rich variety of cultural education
  • Museums education – to encourage and facilitate more school visits to museums and art galleries
  • Film education – to inspire and train the next generation of British filmmakers
  • The Bridge Network bringing heritage and film as well as arts, museums and libraries closer to every school.

Below is a link to the full report – a comprehensive outline of the reports recomendations and the governments responses to the sugggestions made.


"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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