Find out key statistics on Lewisham's population from the 2011 Census.
Posted: 08/03/2022
Category: Lewisham Profile
- The total population for Lewisham is 275,900, an increase of 27,000 (9.8%) since the 2001 Census.
- Lewisham has the 12th highest overall population of all London boroughs.
- Among economically active residents part-time working and self-employment have become more common than in 2001.
- Whilst the most populous ethnic group remains White British, both the actual number and proportion of residents stating this as their ethnicity has decreased since 2001. The next biggest group is now Black African.
- More residents now live in accommodation which is privately rented, 24.3% of households compared to 14.3% in 2001.
8% of Lewisham’s population are aged 0-4 years old, with the 5th highest percentage of preschool children of all the London Boroughs.
17.4% of Lewisham’s population are aged 5-19.
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