Policy Makers

LEAN has extensive knowledge of the local arts sector and connections to education, health and voluntary sector organisations that support children and young people. We are keen to work with policymakers to develop local policy that embraces and embeds the arts, culture and heritage.

LEAN’s connections to the arts education sector across London supports our local work and relationships. We also work closely with The Albany who have been awarded Anchor organisation for the arts in Lewisham. We work to raise the profile and status of creative learning in the borough and beyond.

Developing policy for children and young people and want to ensure culture, heritage and creativity are included in the strategy? We can support your work and introduce you to local cultural strategic partners who can help you to strengthen the creative aims of your policies.

Want to raise the profile of your latest strategic plan beyond your immediate stakeholders? LEAN can promote your policy to the creative learning sector and give you a platform to reach them through our networks.





"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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