LEAN supports freelance participatory artists in a variety of ways including running monthly freelancer breakfast clubs, offering 1-to-1 surgeries and facilitating networking opportunities.
Arts Freelancer Breakfast Club
We run these clubs monthly online and in person. Club content varies; sometimes we have an expert speaker, often clubbers network and share knowledge and experiences, sometimes we partner with other arts networks and we always ensure hot news is shared e.g. Borough of Culture opportunities.
Members can tell us what burning issues they most want to discuss and we encourage Breakfast Clubbers to connect with each other and explore collaborations and partnerships.
LEAN has also run some Breakfast Club Lates, clubs that take place in the early evening. Look out for Breakfast Club and Breakfast Club Late dates on this site and in our Arts Freelancer newsletter.
Arts Freelancer Newsletter
Never miss a Breakfast Club or a freelance artist opportunity by signing up to our network and opting to receive regular newsletters tailored to your needs.
You can sign up to our network here. You do not need to have a public profile if you would prefer not to. On the sign up form you will be asked to sign up to the newsletters which interest you most. The arts freelancer newsletter will keep you updated on the next Breakfast club but also much more: jobs; funding; training and events.
One to One Surgeries
Book a surgery if you want to discuss something in depth. These one-hour meetings are for those living and/or working in Lewisham. To be eligible, please join the network – free and quick! Once you have joined your account explains how to book a surgery.
Typically, we might act as a sounding board for your new participatory arts project ideas, discuss your USP, relay what is happening in Lewisham, help you to identify who else you might need to speak to (and help connect you), help broker partnerships, discuss funding opportunities and help you to unpick your aims for a project.
Networking opportunities
LEAN runs several networking opportunities annually in addition to Breakfast Clubs.
Our premier networking event forms part of our AGM in early February but we also host and signpost to opportunities for freelancers to network with each other throughout the year.
Listing of events, opportunities and training, some of which may be suitable for freelance artists can always be found on the LEAN website.