Andrew Barnett, director of the UK branch of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation will discuss their new publication, Rethinking Relationships, which examines the civic role of arts organisations.
Date: 17/01/2025 – 17/01/2025
Time: 15:00
An opportunity for members (ACEVO – Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations) working in the arts and heritage sector to meet and discuss their experiences and challenges.
Next event: Wednesday 20 September, 3pm. Discussion on the Civic Role of Arts Organisations & Networking.
Meet other charity leaders working in the arts and heritage sector on
Wednesday 20 September. Hosted by the Association of British
Orchestras, this is a fantastic opportunity to meet your peers and
discuss the issues facing your organisations.
Read the report here.
This event is a great opportunity to join your peers and contribute
to a piece of research which aims to create a strong and growing
movement of organisations committed to crafting policy change and making
a real difference.
Book your place below or contact us for more information.
Non-members welcome. Contact to join the event.
Hosted by the Association of British Orchestras
ACEVO is the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary
Organisations. For 30 years, we have provided support,
development and an inspiring, collective campaigning voice for our
members across the UK. ACEVO’s network of over 1,200 individuals
includes the leaders of small, community based groups, ambitious
medium-sized organisations, and well known, well-loved national and
international not-for-profits.