
Unicorn Theatre Schools programme

We know how important forward-planning is for teachers, so we've now programmed all our new shows and teacher CPD days for the next academic year. Below you’ll find what’s on for pupils in Nursery – Year 6 throughout the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms, as well as plenty of ways to enhance your visit and save money!

Date: 25/01/2025 – 25/01/2025

Time:(All day)

Our FREE CPD sessions and resource packs are designed to support you in using your visit as a stimulus for creative classroom work and link it to other areas across the curriculum. Resources for all schools shows are now on the schools section of our website, so that you can have a read and get a clear idea of the learning potential for each production before you book.

Don’t miss our Early Bird Offer: Book for two or more shows before the end of July and get 25% off (£7.50 p/ticket). Box Office 020 7645 0560.



Secret Life of Suitcases
for years 1 – 3

September – 12th October

A charming
puppetry show: Larry’s got no time for fun, but that’s all about to change…a
story about the thrill of adventure and the joy of coming home again.

CPD day
Tue 9 Sep

pack available here

Nigeria Became
for years 4 – 6
Programmed for Black History month; a troupe of actors perform The Spear of
Shango, a story about a young woman who must use her strength and agility to
save her father’s kingdom, for the inauguration of the newly formed Nigeria in
9th October – 9th November
CPD day Fri 12 Sep
Resource pack available here 


Polar Bears Go Wild
for reception – year 1

Two Polar
bears, one large, one smaller, go on an adventure that involves climbing a
mountain, canoeing across a river, stopping for a picnic and getting lost!

-25th January

CPD day
Mon 1 Dec

pack available here


Best Recruiting Sergean
for years 3 – 6

Set in the
music hall era, Vesta Tilley is a young performer who develops an act as a male
impersonator. When war breaks out in 1914 she uses her popularity to enlist
young men to fight for king and country.

February – 15th March

7 Nov

pack available here


Velveteen Rabbi
for years 1 – 4 

heart-warming story about a very shy toy Rabbit who longs for nothing more than
to become real.

28 Mar –
26 Apr

CPD day
Mon 2 Mar


pack available here 

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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