A workshop to help you explore in a real way how the way we behave impacts on learning.

Date: 16/02/2025 – 16/02/2025
Time: 04:00
Understanding Childrens
Behaviour workshop
A free workshop to help you explore in a real way how the way we
behave impacts on learning. It includes a small amount of theory (about
positive and negative attachments) and signposts more but is primarily about
real life situations that are causing us concern and helping us to explore
solutions and understand some of the causes. This course is designed for classroom practitioners but is also suitable
for those in the caring and medical professions.
Date: 23rd February 2016
Time: 4pm 7pm
Trainer: Linda Coplestone
Venue: Beecroft Primary School, Beecroft
Road, Brockley SE4 2BS.
Cost: Free on a first come, first
served basis.
Places on this course will be
allocated according to those who make the first applications. 50% of places
will be awarded to Lewisham Services, as Lewisham Family Pathways funds this
Family Pathways: Understanding Children’s Behaviour see website to book