
Thinking of applying to Grants for the Arts? Don’t miss our Talk and Surgeries with ACE

Join us for an afternoon with the Arts Council to find out more about Grants for the Arts funding.

Date: 10/02/2025 – 10/02/2025


Civic Suite, Catford Road, SE6
Thursday 11 May 2017, 3-5.30pm

 Join us for an afternoon with the Arts Council to find out more about
Grants for the Arts funding. The programme will include opportunities to hear
from 3 Arts Council relationship managers from music, combined arts and visual
arts on Grants for the Arts. They have a wide collective knowledge and can
respond to questions on other art forms.

Eventbrite - Arts Council England, Grants for the Arts Talk and Surgeries, Lewisham

Book a surgery

After the Grants for the Arts information session, attendees will have
the chance to have a mini one to one Grants for the Arts surgery with an Arts Council
Relationship Manager. These must be booked in advance (see below).

Surgeries booked up? Not
ready for a surgery?
Take part in a group discussion about Grants for the
Arts and other sources of funding with Nancy Stridgen (Lewisham Council Cultural
and Community Development Service) and Jane Hendrie and Elizabeth Murton
(Lewisham Education Arts Network). More information below.

At 5.30pm we will be transferring to Little
, Broadway Theatre Saloon for
an hour of informal networking. This is a free event open to the local arts


3.00pm arrival, tea, coffee, biscuits

3.15pm prompt start – Talk followed by Q&A

4.30pm surgeries begin and facilitated group discussion

5.30pm close (to networking event
at Little Nans)

Facilitated Group Discussion:

For those not taking part in the surgeries, you can discuss your questions,
concerns and ideas with your peers in small groups. If you don’t want to share
your ideas in full – perhaps think of a general question about the idea/application
preparation/form you would like to get some feedback on. This could be
suggestions for collaborators, evaluation techniques or budget details etc.

About the Surgeries:

There will be 3 Arts Council relationship managers from music, combined
arts and visual arts offering 4 slots each. They can all offer feedback on
different art forms, so don’t worry if you can’t get a surgery with an officer
of choice. To get the most out of the session, you are strongly advised to read
the Grants for the Arts guidance first on the Arts
Council website

After booking a surgery session, you will need to submit 1 A4 page on
your project by midday Thursday 27 April

Please use the template attached
to include

  • A basic budget – income and expenditure
  • 100 words project outline

This is strictly 1 A4 page only.

Any questions please email Elizabeth at LEAN elizabeth@leanarts.org.uk


Why not continue your evening and book to attend the free Arts Networking @ Little Nans from 5.30pm with free nibbles and tickets to the Jazz night to attendees. It’s just round the corner.


"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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