
The SPARC Community of Practice – 2nd meeting in January

For those interested in arts and resilience with children and young people in Lewisham.

Date: 10/02/2025 – 10/02/2025



Lewisham Education Arts Network and Trinity Laban Conservatoire
of Music and Dance invited artists and creatives to come together to build a
Community of Practice (CoP) as part of our SPARC project.

SPARC aims to increase artists’ ability to
apply resilience and emotional literacy practice to their arts practice, and
effectively measure the impact of this work with children and young people (10-16yrs).

Next meeting: Friday 22 January 1:30-4pm at Trinity Laban
Conservatoire of Music and Dance, Dance Faculty.

Reserve your place here on eventbrite here

At this session we will build on previous discussions and We will :

  • Hear
    from people who have been to resilience related events and training, to share what they learnt
  • Work on developing
    a reference tool which we began at the symposium: Features for resilient
  • Formulate
    a concrete vision and plan for the CoP
  • And of course have tea, coffee and biscuits.

Find out what we did at the last meeting here

This event is free, but booking is essential.

If you are interested in this but were unable to attend our
arts and resilience symposium or the first SPARC Community of Practice meeting,
please get in touch with Elizabeth or Jane for more information.


More events on LEANarts.org.uk:

SMASHfest Launch: find out how your
young people can get involved. SMASHFEST is a
diverse mash up of science, engineering,
technology, maths and arts – STEAM
– all in one festival, and happening in
Deptford February 2016!

Our Annual Arts Education Event: Impact of the Arts: Shaping the Child
The Impact of arts participation on the development &
identity of children and young people.
Hear directly
from young people and see difference schools and arts orgs creative work


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"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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