Come and discover how inclusive and accessible folk music can be!

Date: 08/02/2025 – 08/02/2025
Time: 10:00
This training day for music leaders and school teachers, particularly delivering in primary and SEN/D schools, will provide a valuable repertoire of accessible and inclusive folk songs to use in multiple settings. The course will be addressing varying learning needs including different levels of musical ability, EAL, SEN/D and more.
During the course, participants will:
Explore the elements that make folk song inclusive
Learn an accessible and adaptable repertoire of folk songs
Develop practical ideas to apply in your own setting straight away
Learn to incorporate simple Makaton signing in song teaching
Learn easy and creative ways to introduce music and dance
By the end of the day, participants will have collected a toolkit of ideas and songs to use immediately in their setting. Further teaching resources will be provided online.
The course is suitable for music leaders and school teachers who are both new to folk or well-versed in the tradition. No musical skill is necessary, just a willingness to have a go!
Course fee: £85, including refreshments and light lunch
Please click here to book your tickets.
Promoted by Sound Connections in partnership with EFDSS
Photo credit: Roswitha Chesher