
The Big Link-Up – Connecting culture and learning

This November the Cultural Learning Alliance are leading a week of linked events across the country to celebrate the richness and strength of cultural learning in England and ignite debate about key issues across the education and cultural sectors.

Date: 10/02/2025 – 10/02/2025

Time:(All day)

The Big Link-Up invites cultural learning supporters to organise concurrent Link-Up Events in their local areas to bring cultural practitioners, teachers and leaders together, linked to the national event which takes place on the afternoon of 3 November 2010 in Manchester.

Schools can also celebrate and debate cultural learning by hosting their own Assembly Event. The Assembly Events will be held during the week of 1 – 5 of November. Schools will be able to broadcast specially made films that discuss and examine the importance of cultural experiences and learning that can be used to build their Assembly content and topics for discussion.

Registration takes place in September, and information, resources and guides outlining how to organise an Assembly Event or host a Link-Up Event will be available then.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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