
The 2015 engage International Conference

A Different Game: Young people working with art and artists 

Glasgow Royal Concert Hall & venues across Glasgow, 19 & 20 November 

Fringe events across Glasgow 18, 19 & 21 November

The engage International Conference 2015 will explore how young people engage with art and artists, looking at practice in the UK and internationally. 

Date: 25/01/2025 – 25/01/2025


The engage International Conference 2015 will explore how young people engage with art and artists, looking at practice in the UK and internationally. From the apposite local context of Glasgow, at the time of the Turner Prize and following the Scotland-wide GENERATION programme which celebrated 25 years of contemporary art practice, the programme will have a strong focus on education and participatory and peer-led practice in the visual arts.

It will explore new ways of working with young people that break down traditional hierarchies, creating space for deeper levels of collaboration. What are the impacts of these new forms of partnership? How are they opening up the potentiality of creativity for young people and making a difference in their lives.

Conference will explore three key themes:

Is the gallery a school?

Questioning if gallery education is more effective when aligned with the pedagogies of formal education or when situated within the strategies of radical education practice.

Cross-disciplinary engagement

Exploring what partnership can teach us about engaging young people more broadly in cultural production.

The ethics of peer-led practice

Considering issues of authorship and autonomy and the role that young people have in breaking down the implicit hierarchies of the institution.

Local, national and international speakers will bring a range of perspectives on the themes of the conference, engaging delegates in lively discussion and debate through presentations and panel discussions. Breakout Sessions will enable delegates to investigate the themes in smaller workshops, looking at the social space of digital media, innovative ways to evaluate participatory projects, practical strategies of peer-led practice and much more. Performances exploring the role of artists’ thinking will provoke thought, and the creative production of young people will illustrate the richness of their cultural and creative capital.

Contributors will include…

Darren O’Donnell, Artist and Director, Mammalian Diving Reflex will offer a provocative comment on the potency of young people working with artists and art, and how this engagement can help shape a brave new world in their image, where everyone is accommodated.

Robin Baillie, Senior Outreach Officer, National Galleries of Scotland will ask how galleries can adopt more radical approaches to developing young people’s creativity.

Colette Bailey, Artistic Director, Metal will consider the role of the artist and the value of digital learning in the professional and educational progression of young people.

Pat Cochrane, Chief Executive, CapeUK will explore the value of cross-disciplinary working, where enquiry and creativity meet to inspire learning.

Hadrian Garrard, Director, Create London will talk about Assemble’s Baltic Street Playground, its role in building young people’s skills and confidence, and the political contexts of the project.

Mark Miller, Circuit National Lead and Convenor: Young People’s Programmes, Tate will discuss how young people are key to maintaining conditions for change in the arts.

Annette Krauss, Artist will reflect on the value of unlearning and how young people come to grips with institutional power structures.

Ania Bas, Artist will take participants on a play(full) walk around Glasgow, using text and image as provocations for a discussion on play.

Nicola Sim, Doctoral Researcher, Tate/The University of Nottingham and Andrew Vaughan, Learning and Engagement Manager, Whitworth Gallery will examine the geographies of partnership in youth programming and youth work.

How to book:

To book your place please visit http://engage.org/conf15booking

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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