
STEEP Fifth Annual Conference

On the 1st November 2016, STEEP - an organisation that specialises in the professional development for quality early years provision, will hold their fifth annual conference at Goldsmiths University. 

Date: 16/02/2025 – 16/02/2025


5th Annual Conference

Practice – an Early Years tradition


Dr Sarah Helps 

Consultant clinical psychologist working at the Tavistock and
Portman NHS Foundation trust. She works predominantly with families with a
person of any age with an autism spectrum condition.  Her research
interests focus on the micro-processes of therapeutic work with families


Simon Tobin 

Simon is a 23 year old with a diagnosis of high functioning
autism. He is on a personal campaign to increase awareness and understanding of
autism based on his personal experiences. Hi audience has included parent
support groups, medical professionals, teachers and social workers.


Anna Ephgrave

Assistant headteacher in an Enfield infant school. Anna is well
known for her recent guides to success in the classroom, ‘The Reception Year in
Action’ and ‘The Nursery Year in Action’. She is a firm believer in planning
which is immediately responsive to children’s interests and promotes an
inclusive environment for all children, which promotes confidence and


is an Early Childhood Specialist organisation, 

support, training and professional development

those working in this vital and specialist phase 

children’s lifelong learning.

Development for quality Early Years provision’


Who is this
conference for?

Heads, Deputies, Teachers,
Nursery Nurses, Teaching Assistants, Early Years Assistants, Early Years Practitioners,
Local Authority School Improvement Teams, Childminders – anyone working
with children and families; all those involved in meeting the individual needs
of children in an inclusive learning environment.

Check out the website to book tickets now. Early Bird tickets are only available until 31/07/16.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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