Hear from Learning, Engagement, Participation & Outreach experts in theatres across the UK on how to make the most of your audiences, young people, and local communities by developing and implementing engagement and learning schemes that will help you reach new audiences and get them involved with your work.

Date: 05/10/2022
Location: Online
Working with Young People
10.15-11am Katie Muncer (Mayflower, Southampton) & Bashiie Baptiste (Talawa Theatre Company)
Engaging Local Communities
11.15am -12pm Molly Wilson (Jackson’s Lane) & Romana Flello (Kiln Theatre)
12.15-1pm – Jodi-Alissa Bickerton (Graeae Theatre Company)
Local Community Groups
3-4pm – Peer to peer sharing session facilitated by Bashiie Baptiste
Career Pathways and Training (in partnership with the Young Audience Forum)
2-2.45pm – Simon Stephens (Almeida Theatre) & Maya Pinder (Theatre Royal Stratford East)
4.15-5pm – Nathan Powell (Liverpool Everyman) & Adrian Gardner (Lyric Hammersmith)
5.15-5.45pm – The Future of Learning, Engagement, Participation and Outreach with:
- Lucy Hunt (Bristol Old Vic)
- Inga Hirst (Royal Exchange, Manchester)
- Kirsty Collander-Brown (The Albany)
- Fiona McCulloch-Exley (Leeds Playhouse)
Tickets from £30
Book now https://theatremeansbusiness.info/resource/learning-participation-conference/