
Resilience, well-being, mental health and the arts

Introducing our annual event for 2015: Using the arts: resilience and wellbeing with children and young people 

Date: 25/01/2025 – 25/01/2025


us and you can explore and debate how the arts impact on children and young
people’s resilience, wellbeing and mental health.

With a keynote from
Anne Rathbone
(Associate of BoingBoing, resilience research experts), talks, workshops and discussions; the opportunity
to meet others working with children & young people (including health,
education & the arts): it is a jam packed programme in just one evening.

Other talks:

  • CUES-ED- a brand new package to improve the emotional wellbeing
    & resilience of primary school
    from Dr. Browning, Consultant Clinical Psychologist
  •  HeadStart Lewisham (Big Lottery funded programme for 10-14 yr olds)
    from Penny Phillips & Caroline

-You will find more detail about the programme below-

Did we mention the free refreshments?

There are limited spaces for this FREE event: book yours

 resilience and wellbeing with children and young people

This is a cross-sector event for anyone who works with children and young
people; with a special focus on our local community in Lewisham.

This is LEAN’s annual arts education event and will include a short AGM. LEAN
is in its 15th year
of running events and working in
the arts education in Lewisham: 144 people attended our annual event in 2013 ‘Taste,
Create, Explore, Debate.’

‘Very engaging and interactive
(feedback from a participant in


The Programme

Keynote, Anne Rathbone

Anne Rathbone is an
Associate of BoingBoing, a Community Interest Company linked to the University
of Brighton providing training and consultancy on resilience with specific
reference to vulnerable children and young people.  Anne is also
undertaking a PhD with University of Brighton, working with young people with
learning disabilities as co-researchers to explore their own experiences of
resilience – what is helpful and what is not, and undertaking self directed
collective action to challenge the adversities they face.
 The research, in partnership with Arts Connect (part of
Culture Shift) in East Sussex, using arts based activities to facilitate
exploration of resilience issues and as a way of presenting findings.  She
has 25 years community development practice and consultancy experience in
participatory approaches.  She is passionate about research
that gives a voice to people who face discrimination. 

Her presentation
will outline current theory of resilience and young people and show some
practical ways in which her own and other University of Brighton
research is using arts based methods to develop resilience based knowledge and

Other speakers:

  • CUES-ED:
    Dr. Browning (Consultant Clinical
    Psychologist/ Lead Psychologist for Inpatient CAMHS
    ) will talk
    about CUES-Ed ‘Who I Am and What I Can: How to Keep My Brain
     – a brand new package, designed by The
    South London & Maudsley CAMHS Clinical Psychologists and CBT
    therapists, to improve the emotional wellbeing and resilience of
    primary school children. This package aims to help each child realise their own potential
    and maximise their learning, by helping them to learn how they can spot when
    things are difficult and employ simple strategies to help them cope. The
    art and design of the package and related products has been hugely important for engaging children successfully. Dr Browning will briefly outline
    the evidence base, the content of the sessions and the rationale
    behind these as well as summarising the outcomes so far.

  • HeadStart Lewisham: Penny
    Phillips and Caroline Hirst will introduce this initiative
    (currently in its second stage) and the current
    pilots being undertaken locally. HeadStart is funded by the Big Lottery to
    improve the emotional wellbeing of 10 to 14 year-olds .

Workshops/ discussion groups:

After the talks there will be opportunities for further discussion with
the speakers in breakout groups and choose creative workshops relating
to the evenings themes.

  • Tinity Laban’s discursive session focuses on the
    unique potential of dance in supporting Resilience, Wellbeing and Mental Health.
  • London Bubble and Dr Jonathan Barnes will talk about ‘Speech Bubbles’, as well as consider
    evidence and explore potential ‘causal links’ between high quality arts
    interventions and children’s improved wellbeing.
  • Following the talk, you can find out
    more about CUES-Ed from the team, hear
    in a video from children and teaching staff and ask any questions.
  • Other
    workshops are from keynote Anne Rathbone, Headstart and Greenwich and Lewisham
    Young People’s Theatre (GLYPT).



4:30- Registration and drinks 

4:45- Welcome and introductions

4:55- Annual General Meeting

5:25- Key note: Anne Rathbone

5:45- CUES_ED, Sophie Browning, Consultant Clinical Psychologiest/ Lead Psychologist for inpatient CAMHS

6:10- Discussion and workshops (1)

6:40- Discussion and workshops (2)

7.10- WIne, canapés and networking

7:40- Close


Venue: Sandhurst Junior School, Minard Road, London, SE6 1NW
Buses: Sandhurst Road 124, 284, 181, 160, Brownhill Road 202
Nearest stations:
Hither Green (15 minutes), a little further is Catford Bridge and
Catford stations. Connecting to London Bridge and Waterloo East. Plan your journey here


Cancellation policy: With further
pressure on resources, events must be as full as possible and
resources well utilised. If you fail to cancel a booked place before Monday 9
February 2015, you will be charged £10. Please talk to us if you have any questions.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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