Date: 10/02/2025 – 10/02/2025
Time: 16:30
- Wayne Roberts, Dalmain Primary School
- Emma Webster, Prendergast Ladywell School
- Dilys Finlay, Beecroft Garden School
- Rachel Harris, Senior Producer, Programme: London Borough of
Culture 2022 Launch Day
Have you been doing some brilliant Creative Arts Education work in your school that you want to shout about?
Would you like to share your tips and tricks with other Arts-engaged teachers?
Would you like to hear about the creative work going on in Lewisham Schools?
is hosting a Teachers’ Event on Thursday 10th June. This is a chance to
celebrate the creative work that’s being made in Lewisham schools,
listen to how and why schools created their arts projects, and share
your own. Come along and talk about the work you are currently making
and discuss the arts and cultural projects you would like to pursue
This event is for:
- Staff from Lewisham schools who want to shout out about their arts projects (5 minute slots)
- School staff who want to hear from colleagues in other schools
- Freelance
arts facilitators and arts and cultural organisations who want to hear
what creative projects schools are doing and why, and what schools want
to do next
If you are a member of staff from a
Lewisham school and want to speak at this event you will be prompted to
add your details on the booking form.
We are
keen to hear from as many Lewisham schools as possible. We want to hear
about the creative work your children and young people have been making
in all forms:
- As part of the curriculum
- Cross curriculum projects
- Projects delivered in conjunction with another school or Arts/Cultural Organisation
We are also interested in hearing any ideas, plans, or wishes you have for future projects.
Examples of future ideas could be:
- A theme you would like to explore through the arts (e.g. Climate Change)
- An artform you would like to strengthen or a new genre you would like to introduce to the school
- A year group or group of children/young people you would like to particularly engage
- Using the Arts to explore a school, national, or international issue
- A specific project idea that needs outside knowledge or expertise (e.g. a school mural that needs an artist)
this event is also open to Arts Organisations and artists, it offers a
unique opportunity to create partnerships that may help move a ‘future
idea’ into a concrete reality.
To make sure you never miss out on our events, sign up to our mailing lists or register as LEAN member to receive our monthly bulletin.
If you have any access requirements or queries please do contact sarah@leanarts.org.uk and we can support you.
Description: Bright yellow banner. A pink loudhaler is on the left and
text in navy bubble writing is shouted out from the loudhaler on a
diagonal saying: Shout About the Arts in Schools. Arts is in pink and
Schools is in red. To the right of the text is text in red: Wednesday
10th June, 4.30pm, Zoom. Underneath in navy: A space to share creative
tips and tricks with other arts engaged teachers. LEAN’s logo in white
is in the upper left corner.]