Munch Poke Ping is a two year research and film-making project exploring some of the challenges and opportunities that vulnerable and excluded young people face when using social media and mobile technology. This national conference is aimed at all those who work with vulnerable young people within an educational context and includes contributions from the young people and staff who have been involved in the project.
Date: 13/09/2024 – 13/09/2024
Time: 09:30
The conference is organised by child advocate Stephen Carrick-Davies and has been generously supported by The Nominet Trust. See for report and films and to book for the conference.
Aims of the conference
Over the last few years there have been many e-safety conferences looking at what different stakeholders are doing to better protect children. However this conference is looking specifically at the issues facing those who work with children who are vulnerable and excluded when using the internet and mobile phones.
This conference brings together practitioners from alternative education providers (including Pupil Referral Units – PRUS) to explore how vulnerability can be amplified online and to share models of good professional practice to keep up with the phenomenal changes in technology.
The conference has four main aims:
- Disseminate the findings on the MPP project and celebrate and validate the work being done in PRUs including by young people.
- Draw out principles for how online risks can be better managed and provide examples of how active engagement and involvement with young learners is crucial.
- Capture the key needs of staff who work with vulnerable young people when it comes to social media training.
- Consult on recommendations for what is needed going forward.