
London Creativity and Wellbeing Week – 12-18 June 2017. 

The sixth annual London Creativity and Wellbeing Week will take place from 12-18 June 2017

Date: 08/09/2024 – 08/09/2024


This is run by London Arts and Health Forum:

LAHF has produced a brochure including all the events in the week (on issu). We are also planning a separate press and media campaign to promote events in the week and in Creativity and Wellbeing Plus – for events across the country and internationally.

London Creativity and Wellbeing Week happened for the first time in 2012.  The 2016 week saw over 150 events with nearly 25,000 participants right across London.  The week has now become a crucial feature in the capital’s cultural calender.  It is easy to submit events – simply click on the ‘Submit an event’ button on the right of this page where you can upload details of your events.

There is a growing body of evidence indicating the profound effect engagement in the arts and creativity can have on health and wellbeing. The arts bring us alive, nourish our curiosity, help us learn – they change the places in which we are treated – and make them places we might want to be, they can improve the relationship between clinician and patient, and they give us the courage to face our own frailties and strengths.

With debates and discussions, performances and exhibitions, tours and practical sessions, the Week is an opportunity to find out more, make connections, be inspired, and shape the future of arts, creativity and wellbeing.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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