Lewisham Council's Children and Young People’s Plan 2012-2015 has set the framework for their partnership work over the last three years, and has embedded the culture of 'It’s Everybody’s Business' to support us all to work together to improve outcomes for children and young people.

Date: 03/07/2015 – 03/07/2015
Time: 9:30
They want to thank you for your support and
contribution to delivering it so far.
Lewisham Children’s Services is in the process
of drafting its 2015-18 Children and Young People’s Plan on behalf of the
Partnership. They are inviting you to a final conference to follow up
on the discussion held at the CYP Forum on 18 November 2014, where the shape of the new
plan was discussed.
confirm your attendance to Michael Grant on 0208 314 3494 or email Michael.grant@lewisham.gov.uk. Details of the venue will be sent out once confirmation is