
Five to Thrive Conference

A free conference for all Children’s Centre staff, and partners in all health services, education, social care, childcare, early intervention and family support across all sectors in Lewisham.

Date: 11/02/2025 – 11/02/2025



The conference will be facilitated by Kate Cairns Associates who have developed Five to Thrive as an effective way to communicate key messages about emotional development. 
Five to Thrive works in synergy with Lewisham’s drive for Baby Friendly Unicef accreditation, which requires a key intervention that builds a close relationship between mother and child. 
Five to thrive gives parents and practitioners an easily recognisable message (similar to the well-established ‘5 a day’ for fruit and vegetables) that instead focuses on children’s emotional development.


Date: 9am-1.30pm, Thursday 6th November 2014 (There is also an additional afternoon 

workshop session for Children’s Centre staff only 1.30pm-4.00pm)

Location: Lessof Auditorium, University Hospital Lewisham

Please see attached flyer for more information.

To book email melanie.nelson@pre-school.org.uk

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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