A small, informal peer crit at various venues throughout the year
Date: 08/09/2024 – 08/09/2024
Time: 18:30
You are invited to join an informal, constructive peer crit for artists.
All artists are welcome to join the conversations or present a piece of work. This includes artists who did not go to art school, artists at any stage of their career and working in any discipline.
Engine ChatChat is an opportunity for artists to share ideas, ask questions and get feedback within a supportive peer critique framework.
Elizabeth Murton has been facilitating Engine ChatChat since 2007, purposely in small groups and encouraging constructive conversation. It is an informal place to discuss art work and find out about other artist’s practices. It is an opportunity to dedicate some time to get feedback on the ideas and content of your art practice, as well as meet with other artists.
For more information, please see the Engine ChatChat website here or email Elizabeth events@elizabethmurton.co.uk. Elizabeth will be contacting attendees with further information nearer the event.
Events from £3.50
The event on 19 March is kindly supported by Bow Arts Trust.