Trinity Labans Learning and Participation (Dance) team, in collaboration with Lewisham Council would like to invite you to a networking event to;
·Increase dialogue between the dance and health sectors in Lewisham
·Gain better understanding of how dance can support local Health and Wellbeing agendas
·Provide opportunities to share learning and build partnerships
Date: 21/09/2024 – 21/09/2024
Time: 13:30
This networking event will consist of presentations, case studies, live performances and round table discussions. We are very pleased to be joined by Danny Ruta Director of Public Health Lewisham to present, alongside other dance and health colleagues.
The event is aimed at local authority strategic leads, commissioners and officers in public health, social care, arts and education; councillors; dance managers and practitioners; and wider health partners including Clinical Commissioning Groups and voluntary sector organisations.
More information here
To book your free place please email
Please note that spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.