
Children & Young People Forum: Youth Service Commissioning

A Forum on Lewisham Council's commissioning framework that will facilitate the delivery of this commissioned provision from 2014.

Date: 16/02/2025 – 16/02/2025


Please note, you must RSVP to YouthServiceCommisioning@lewisham.gov.uk by 12noon, Friday 14th June 2013 to attend.

You are invited to the

Children & Young People Forum: Youth Service Commissioning in Lewisham

13.30-17.00, Monday 17th June 2013

Committee rooms 1 & 2 , Civic Suite, Lewisham Council

Catford Town Centre, London, SE6 4RU

In February 2013, the Mayor of Lewisham accepted proposals to re-shape the Youth Service in order to modernise and strengthen support for young people, and in response to Government cuts. A key element of this was to provide more resource and flexibility to commission high quality youth activity. Lewisham Council are currently developing a commissioning framework that will facilitate the delivery of this commissioned provision from 2014.

Now is your opportunity to be involved in designing and informing the commissioning framework for services that meet the needs of young people in Lewisham.

In order to design a commissioning framework that helps meet the needs of Lewisham’s young people, Lewisham Council recognise it is important to work with voluntary, community and private providers. This event will provide:

  • An overview from the council
  • Focused discussion on the needs of young people in Lewisham
  • Outcomes the borough would like to achieve for young people through these services
  • The process of commissioning and what support might be needed

You are invited to attend this event. Please disseminate this invite to any other voluntary, community and private organisations who may have an interest in attending.

It would be helpful if you could think in advance about the key questions we’ve identified in the agenda for the discussion, including what evidence your organisation has of young people’s needs in Lewisham. Please bring any relevant examples of evidence from your work which relate to the outcomes of:

1. Improved life skills
2. Increased involvement in education, employment or training
3. Staying safe and well, and preventing needs from escalating

Please find agenda attached.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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