
Arts of Wellbeing – 11-15 November 2013

Westminster Arts and The Cockpit are presenting a week of live arts, workshops and debate focusing on arts and wellbeing this November.

Date: 08/02/2025 – 08/02/2025

Time:(All day)

This year’s programme is packed with events, performances, debates and workshops that demonstrate the empowering effects on health and wellbeing.
Showcasing ways of delivering art activities that can enrich our lives, Arts of Wellbeing also unearths sometimes disturbing and provocative subject matter that tackles a range of issues including discrimination.
Arts and health professionals, campaigners and members of the public can participate in creative arts, join post-show discussions, and meet others involved in this fascinating and flourishing area of work.
Features of the programme include the painting of a mural at The Cockpit, music and dance workshops for people with dementia and Parkinson’s, film screenings, interviews, plus presentations by artists who will share their practice, approach, laughter and tears on the subject of wellbeing and the arts.
Most of these events are FREE and everyone is welcome!
For more information and a programme see: http://www.thecockpit.org.uk/wellbeing

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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